
감동과 환희가 가득찼던 그날을 기억하며... Seoul Olympic Museum

Place of Hope

홈 > Museum Tour > Place of Hope

Place of Hope

Place of Hope
The origin and development history of Korean sports are examined here to find secrets to success of the Seoul Olympics. This is the place to recognize the positive impact of physical activities in modern society through the process of how the modern sports was introduced and the sports development process in the 1980s.

Models of the Olympic Main Stadium and Olympic Park

Models of the Olympic Main
Stadium and Olympic Park
A beautiful, realistic model of the Seoul Olympic Main Stadium is available for visitors to appreciate the historic place where the grand festival of mankind lasted for 16 days. Moreover, models of the Olympic Park, Athletes’ Village and Reporters’ Village, which were located near the stadium, are exhibited to relive the historic moments.

Heroes of the Seoul Olympics

Heroes of the Seoul Olympics
Here visitors can meet heroes of the Seoul 1988 Summer Olympics, including Darnyi Tamás (swimming/Hungary), Greg Louganis (diving/U.S.A.), Matt Biondi (swimming/U.S.A.), Kristin Otto (swimming/East Germany), Florence Griffith-Joyner (track & field/U.S.A.), Daniela Silivaş-Harper (gymnastics/Romania), Naim Süleymanoğlu (weightlifting/Turkey), Carl Lewis (track and field/U.S.A.) and Kim Soo-Nyung (archery/South Korea).

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